Hope Smiling Brightly with Amber Dawn Pearce
I had a wonderful and unique upbringing raised off grid by addict hippies who converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We ending up becoming a family of 15 including 8 adopted siblings. Yep, I know what it’s like to live in a home with dirt floors, and no plumbing or electricity. Oh I’ve got stories. You’ll hear a lot of them here. But the most important thing I share is what my life has taught me about the power of Jesus Christ.
That answer you've been seeking. That change you've hoped for. That struggle you want to overcome. The goal you want to reach. It is all in Jesus Christ. Christ can be your coach, your mentor, your motivational speaker, your healer. After living a life seeking hope and help from every solution out there I finally learned how to access the power of change through Christ.
Hope Smiling Brightly with Amber Dawn Pearce
Latest Episodes
Bringing The Power of Jesus Christ Into Your Life

Help Bring Christ Into The World

Choose to Believe

Do The Thing That Requires A Miracle

Does God Cause Our Suffering?